Sunday, May 9, 2010


OH how I love granola; I sprinkle it on my oatmeal every morning! I made a big batch of it yesterday and it turned out so yummy! I got the recipe from my mother-in-law and it is so easy and tasty, just thought I would share the recipe.

Mom's Granola
7 c. oats
2 c. Rice Krispies
1 c. chopped nuts (I prefer almonds)
3/4 c. coconut
1 c. wheat germ
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 c. soy flour (optional)
1/2 c. oil
*1/2 c. honey
*1/2 c. brown sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
2 Tb. water
1 c. dried fruit

Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Mix together the oats, rice krispies, nuts, coconut, wheat germ, salt, cinnamon, and flour. In a separate bowl combine the oil, honey, brown sugar, vanilla, and water. Slowly add in the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix well until it is evenly coated. Spread half onto a cookie sheet and bake for thirty minutes, stirring every ten minutes. Then, repeat the process with the remaining half. When cool, stir in the dried fruit (I prefer raisins).

*My husband doesn't like his granola too sweet, so I've reduced the amount of honey and brown sugar I include. For sweeter granola, increase to 3/4 cup.

I borrowed my friend's dehydrator this past week and made dried apples and mangos. Maybe I'll cut some up and put it in the granola... (or maybe I'll sneak some in my diaper bag and eat it at church today :)